

Performance Support

Contextual Help



Transform Your Workforce Through Enterprise Software Training with eLearning

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How is your company training employees on enterprise software?

Whether your answer is virtual or not instructor-led, you can streamline and improve it. There are several ways to accomplish enterprise software training more effectively, improving employees’ effectiveness and satisfaction with training.

One fact that we can tell you without a doubt is that watching an instructor show you how to use software is the least effective way to train employees. Passively watching something will never be as effective as doing it. That also means videos aren’t the most effective, at least not for more in-depth processes requiring practice and accuracy.

Enterprises can’t afford to let their workforce lag behind. That means training is essential. With the right approach to training for new software, employees will be more effective and productive at their work.

For short performance-based training/support, there’s a great method called in-app help that walks employees through your software. However, for more in-depth training that gets employees up to speed on larger processes and procedures, nothing can compete with eLearning for enterprise software training.

eLearning has the power to transform how employees are trained on enterprise software.

Employees’ expectations for quality training are higher than ever, and the desire of every company should be to meet and exceed those expectations. They deserve more hands-on training with realistic scenario-based practice. eLearning has the power to transform enterprise software training from a mundane chore to an engaging and effective journey that prepares them for expertise in their job, including the software needed to do it well.

Instructor-led training is too linear, doesn’t include much (if any) practice, and is a mediocre way to accomplish enterprise software training. While instructors can make for a great training session and be extremely engaging, engaging and entertaining rarely translate into effectiveness. Employees simply don’t come away with the knowledge and skills they need to do their jobs as effectively as they need.

A well-thought-out, high-quality eLearning course will nearly always outperform instructor-led training. Of course, low-quality eLearning won’t always outperform high-quality instructor-led training; if both are high-quality, then eLearning always wins.

Embracing eLearning for enterprise software training will ensure employees develop the correct depth of knowledge of the software for their jobs. Ensuring employees are prepared for their work and happy is integral to keeping effective and successful employees while also sticking around.

Read on to learn more about why eLearning should be your company’s go-to for enterprise software training. It’s the best way to transform a workforce into successful and well-skilled employees who know exactly what they need to know and how to perform it in a real-world environment.

The Evolution of Enterprise Software Training

Enterprise software training has come a long way from the instructor-led approach. Employees used to gather in a room, watch how to do something, and then try to take it back to their workplace. Good luck remembering any of it or even deciphering the notes.

Sometimes there was even a room full of computers for employees to use to attempt to keep up with the instructor. This was pretty difficult to keep up with, and again, how are you supposed to practice again if you feel like you need it?

Then there’s virtual instructor-led training, where employees sit on their computers and watch what the trainer does. That’s a bit better because at least employees can somewhat follow along. The pace is still only one size fits all, though, and you also have to switch back and forth between what the instructor is doing and your own instance of the software if you’re lucky enough to have an environment to practice in.

Enterprise software training can be done traditionally or in a more modern way.

eLearning has revolutionized enterprise software training by providing a dynamic and interactive learning experience. With eLearning, employees can access the course anytime, anywhere, and at their own pace. This flexibility allows them to fit learning into their busy schedules without disrupting their workflow.

With eLearning, realistic simulations are also possible. That means employees don’t just learn; they also get to practice and understand their job in the context of the system they’ll be using.

Challenges of Traditional Training Methods

Traditional training methods for enterprise software were never the best solution for training employees; they were just what was available. One of the main issues is the lack of hands-on practice. Listening does not equate to learning; before the training is over, a good chunk of information is already forgotten.

The forgetting curve is real and must be combatted. It varies for every person, to the point that some start forgetting before the session ends. Forgetting happens even faster when people passively observe information. With no opportunity for practice, traditional training methods fail employees miserably.

Another challenge is the difficulty of customizing it to different audiences. Traditional training is often a one-size-fits-all approach. It doesn’t cater to the diverse needs of employees and the various ways training can be tailored. That means every group of employees in training is given generic training that doesn’t necessarily apply to their specific jobs and how they need to use the software.

Benefits of eLearning for Software Training

eLearning offers numerous benefits for enterprise software training. It provides hands-on practice through interactive simulations and virtual environments. Employees can engage in a realistic imitation of the software.

Because they’re simulated environments, employees are free to make mistakes without consequences and learn from their experiences. Software simulations are great because they provide a safe space for employees to practice and learn without issue.

A huge benefit is that it’s much easier to create various versions of the training for employees based on how it makes sense to break up the training. That could mean a different course for a customer service rep as opposed to a salesperson. The ease of tailoring eLearning is a huge benefit, making it one of the best training methods for most things, especially enterprise software.

Don’t have time for an hour-long session right now? Too bad! You signed up for an instructor-led course, and now you have to set aside that entire hour. This scenario doesn’t play out with eLearning because employees can take training whenever they want, even in shorter bursts. Have 15 minutes now and 15 minutes later today? No problem!

Ensuring Long-Term Retention and Application of Skills

eLearning is the perfect way to train employees on enterprise software. It’s the most effective method for training new software and new employees. When it’s necessary to train on a lot of information without being too overwhelming, eLearning is the best method.

But what about ensuring long-term retention and application skills? You’ve got options.

Performance support is an excellent method for long-term retention. It could be job aids such as printed pages or PDFs, help articles in an online knowledge base, or the more modern method of contextual help. Contextual help is performance support provided to employees right in an application, such as with tooltips, an in-app walkthrough, or any other method of support in-app.

eLearning provides the foundation and performance support provides the future resources.

Performance support doesn’t provide the context and depth of knowledge to apply a variety of skills to work. Still, it’s a great quick resource when employees know the base knowledge provided by eLearning. So, eLearning is where employees should start to build the foundation of their skills, and performance support is where they can go for additional support for those things they might not remember 100%.

Employees might not know where to find additional resources. With the right marketing efforts built into eLearning, employees will know where to find the performance support resources once they do the work. It’s a great foundational training tool and marketing tool for future support.

Wrap Up

Software drives the workplace on a level we’ve never seen before and will continue to grow. Whether more systems are added or systems are consolidated into all-in-one platforms, training is necessary. Employees’ work will rely on software more every day.

Are employees doing their work in the software correctly, or are they figuring it out to the best of their ability? You don’t want them “figuring it out” because that often means incorrect usage and bad processes that lead to system issues with inaccurate data, among other issues.

eLearning is the best way to transform a workforce and help them use enterprise software more effectively. It’s the perfect way to give employees what they need in a package that makes sense for their work.

eLearning can be used to create realistic enterprise software simulations that are the most effective for software training.

eLearning is a great way to provide a software simulation that provides hands-on experience that offers real practice rather than watching a trainer show you and try to remember what they said.

eLearning is the ideal method for employees to develop a deep understanding of software systems and apply their knowledge in practical scenarios. By embracing eLearning for enterprise software training, businesses can empower their workforce to adapt to new technologies, enhance productivity, and drive innovation.

We’re huge advocates of eLearning when it’s the best method for training. Enterprise software training is where eLearning shines the most for real practice, which helps employees become proficient quickly. If you want to work with an organization that specializes in enterprise software training with eLearning, schedule a free consultation. We’d love to chat with you about your project and help employees use your company software better.

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