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Why RTO Won’t Alter the Ideal Corporate Technical Training Methods

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The debate around the return to office (RTO) has been raging lately as CEOs and leaders recall employees to the office. It’s typically based on no evidence and a big dose of feelings, but unfortunately, there’s not a lot that can be done. It’s either quit or give in and come into the office.

No matter if employees come into the office or not, the ideal methods of training them for company technology don’t really change. However, there has already been a monumental shift in the ideal way to train employees for technology. It used to be classrooms or live training but has since shifted more to digital learning solutions.

While employees are returning to the office, they don’t have to go back into conference rooms for training. It’s unnecessary to learn at the same pace as everyone else and get stressed with hours-long sessions.

Digital training works no matter if employees are in person or remote.

While one-on-one coaching and group sessions in a conference room (hopefully with a catered lunch) will have a place for certain types of training, it’ll never be the ideal solution for technical training. Learning complex processes in company software is nearly always better accomplished with quick performance-based courses that let employees practice while learning.

Software video tutorials will have their place, but they’re not always the best solution. Digital learning solutions, including software simulations, will have a place no matter how employees work (even in the office). They work whether an employee is in their PJs lounging on the couch or if they have a choking tie on in a soulless cubicle.

No matter where employees work, not all training types are affected the same. That means the RTO mandates we’ve seen lately won’t alter the ideal methods of training employees on company technology.

The Evolution of Corporate Training in the Digital Age

Corporate technical training has come a long way since its inception. In the past, training was often conducted in a classroom setting with a trainer. Sometimes, there were a bunch of computers for everyone; other times, it was just a presentation, and people had to use their imagination (so annoying).

Modern eLearning took over with newer technologies and more employees needing to take training at different times and places. Even in the office, many employees were at offices distributed across the nation.

Corporate training has become more accessible and flexible than ever before. Companies now have the option to deliver training online, allowing employees to learn at their own pace and convenience. This shift has opened up new possibilities for personalized learning experiences, where employees can tailor their training in many different ways.

Digital methods has enabled more flexibility than ever in corporate technical training.

Personalized learning is a key component of effective technical training. It recognizes that many employees have unique needs. That could be that each role is different, tasks performed vary, or even that employees themselves have different preferences. By tailoring the training experience to individual needs, companies can ensure that employees receive the support and guidance they need to succeed in their roles.

Technology plays a crucial role in enabling personalized learning in technical training. Online platforms provide employees access to a wealth of resources, including software simulations, videos, and other types of performance support. These methods make learning more engaging and allow employees to practice their skills in a safe environment and understand how it works in relation to their role.

The Role of Personalized Learning in Technical Training

Personalization is particularly important when it comes to technical training. Technical skills are often complex and require hands-on practice to master. They’re also unique to each role because a customer service agent doesn’t have the same requirements as a salesperson.

By providing employees with personalized learning experiences, companies can ensure they have the opportunity to apply their knowledge in real-world scenarios. Personalization isn’t possible with traditional training methods, whether in the office or not. Digital learning solutions enable more personalization no matter where employees are learning.

Modern learning methods make it easy to personalize technical training and allow employees to learn at their own pace. Some individuals may grasp new concepts quickly, while others may require more time and practice. By accommodating employees in a personalized way, companies encourage a supportive learning environment where employees feel empowered to take ownership of their development.

Training Method Shouldn’t Be Impacted By Type Of Work

Whether employees are working remotely or in an office setting, the method of delivering technical training should remain consistent. The effectiveness of personalized learning does not depend on the physical location but rather on the approach itself.

While remote work became the norm and has now been pulled back, it ultimately doesn’t matter for corporate technical training. Even if employees work on the moon, digital learning is mostly the most effective way.

Regardless of the type of work or location, the focus should always be on providing employees with the best learning experience possible. This approach enhances skill development and fosters a culture of continuous learning within the organization. No matter if employees are in an office, at home, or wherever, the training method shouldn’t be impacted. Digital learning isn’t affected by where employees are.

Ensuring Continuity and Consistency in Training Post-RTO

If done right, return to office (RTO) shouldn’t disrupt the continuity and consistency of corporate technical training. While there may be logistical challenges associated with transitioning back to physical offices, it’s essential for companies to prioritize employee development and ensure that training programs remain uninterrupted.

This can be achieved by leveraging technology to deliver the best technical training for adult learning. That means something that’s effective at providing a realistic experience that weaves in scenario-based learning and delivers realistic practice.

Additionally, companies should establish clear communication channels to keep employees informed about training opportunities and updates. Regularly assessing the effectiveness of training programs and gathering feedback from employees can help identify areas for improvement and ensure that training remains relevant and impactful.

Wrap Up

As we look to the future, whether in the office or remotely, it’s important to have a modern approach to corporate technical training. Technology has revolutionized the way we deliver training, and that should be fully embraced.

In-person interactions are still valuable components of technical training, but hands-on experience is also important. Modern digital training methods are the ideal way to deliver hands-on experience to employees in a unique and personalized way.

While the workplace and how employees work will continue evolving, training methods don’t have to. Digital training methods can work as effectively remotely as in person. By embracing personalized learning, leveraging technology, and maintaining continuity in training post-RTO, companies can empower their employees to thrive in an ever-changing business landscape.

Whether employees are coming back into the office or not, digital training solutions are some of the most effective ways for adults to learn technical topics such as learning software. Schedule a free consultation to discuss how techstructional can help train employees on company software no matter where they are.

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