Just like employees need a safe place to work where they feel comfortable and needed, they also need a safe environment to learn in where it’s okay to fail. Failure is the only way to grow if we learn from it.
Of course, it’s also essential to help employees use company software effectively for their jobs. One of the most important aspects of software training is providing employees with a safe learning environment.
That means they need to be able to explore and fail without fear of losing their jobs or messing up company systems.
That’s where software simulations come in handy. They revolutionize how employees learn company software and how easy it is for them to succeed. Good software training with simulations seamlessly transitions employees from novice to exactly as proficient as they need to succeed in their jobs within a safe and controlled environment.
Software simulations are one of the best ways to ensure employees have a safe environment to learn in.
Good software simulations create an environment where mistakes are welcome and learning is easy without fear of irreversible consequences. This is precisely what software simulations offer – a virtual playground where employees can experiment, make errors, and master company software at their own pace with guidance that helps them learn company systems.
There’s no time or patience for tedious and monotonous training that drains time and resources. With software simulations, employees are no longer confined to dull manuals, passive tutorial videos, or simply watching a trainer show you.
Instead, they’re immersed in a dynamic learning experience that mirrors real-world scenarios, allowing them to apply their knowledge in a risk-free environment. By choosing simulations as the primary way to learn company software, you empower your employees to take ownership of their learning journey.
They can explore different scenarios, learn about additional topics they’re interested in, and do all this without fear of disrupting critical business operations. With each interaction, employees can gain confidence and proficiency using company software, ultimately enhancing their productivity and efficiency.
A safe environment makes sure employees are prepared for the real thing.
Good software simulations create a learning experience that helps employees transfer their learning to their jobs. When done well, a software simulation allows employees to practice the process and puts it into context with real scenarios and a helpful guide to help them learn.
There’s nothing better than professional development that boosts employee engagement and retention, which is precisely what good training does. Providing a safe environment for employees to master company software is paramount in today’s technology-driven world.
Software simulations offer a groundbreaking training solution that helps employees learn more efficiently, empowers them to do their jobs better, and enables them to reach their full potential. There’s a reason software simulations are a great option over other methods. Traditional training methods have many limitations when it comes to company software, so let’s start there.
The Limitations of Traditional Training Methods for Software Training
It’s important to mention that this isn’t necessarily about traditional training methods. It’s more about conventional thinking when it comes to training software. eLearning is a modern training method, but if done wrong, it can be just as poor for training software as anything else.
So, even the ideal medium for delivering software training can still be messed up.
But, this section is about the limitations you might find for training company software in traditional training methods. Here are a few traditional methods of training that don’t work well for software training:
- Classroom-based (or conference room-based) training
- Lecture-style training
- Lengthy, text-heavy manuals or user guides
- One-time, generic training sessions that are process-focused only
- Relying solely on theoretical knowledge without practical application
These methods fail to provide an effective and engaging software learning experience. They aren’t suited for learning software, which is such a hands-on activity that it requires hands-on practice.
When employees need to do tasks in company software regularly, they need to know how to do it by memory. That means they need regular practice of those processes, which requires practice and context.
Traditional training methods don’t provide the support employees need for learning company software.
There’s a good chance employees will be left with train brain if they’re stuck in an instructor-led training session for an hour watching them click through software. It’s simply not a good way to learn software.
Traditional training methods are a great way to leave employees feeling overwhelmed and struggling to grasp the intricacies of complex systems. Real practice in a safe environment is where software simulations thrive. They’re the ideal solution that is far superior to the limitations of traditional training methods.
The Benefits of Software Simulations for Employee Training
Just as employees must feel like they can share information and be safe to learn effectively, that also must be true for software simulations. There’s nothing worse than being thrown into a new job with systems you’re unfamiliar with.
Or maybe employees are familiar with the system (e.g., MS Office) but not with specific processes that are typically unique (e.g., legal approval process). Throwing employees into the software is a horrible way for employees to learn and be treated.
Learning in a safe environment with software simulations means employees learn company and software processes.
Software simulations provide a virtual playground where employees can learn at their own pace and safely. Traditional training methods may offer a safe environment, but not an effective one. Realistic software simulations make it safe to make mistakes and, in turn, foster continuous improvement.
Software simulations offer many other benefits in addition to a safe environment. Let’s examine some of the more to gain a deeper understanding of company software.
Risk-Free Learning and Experimentation
One of the key benefits of software simulations is the ability to learn and experiment without any real-world consequences. Employees can freely learn how to do their work in a guided process while even sometimes being able to explore a bit.
There’s nothing better than learning how to use company software without actually breaking company software or messing up essential data. There’s nothing more nerve-wracking than not being sure what you could break.
I’ll tell you a quick story that emphasizes people’s desire not to break things. I used to work for a school district and assisted the office manager in using Microsoft Publisher to create the school newsletter.
Nothing’s better than learning company software without the chance of breaking it.
I didn’t know exactly how to do what she was looking for, but I figured it out after exploring and clicking around. She commented that that’s probably how I got so good at computers; I wasn’t afraid to explore and play around.
And you know what?
That’s exactly how I got good at computers. I’m not afraid to click around and explore, and I’m not scared to break anything (sometimes to my detriment). When people aren’t afraid to break stuff, they’re more free to learn instead of living in fear.
Empowering Employees to Take Ownership of Their Learning
Software simulations empower employees to take ownership of their learning journey. They no longer have to rely solely on a training session or user guides (which are known for being bad for training) for guidance but can actively engage with the simulation to acquire new skills and knowledge.
This level of autonomy fosters a sense of responsibility and accountability among employees, leading to increased motivation and self-directed learning.
Personalized Learning Experience
Every employee uses company applications differently. For example, a customer service agent might use the CRM differently than a salesperson might. For each large group of employees, a different software simulation can be created that helps them learn to use it precisely how they need it for their role.
That means there wouldn’t just be one course covering general CRM processes; instead, it would be more pertinent to each role’s job. There’s nothing more personalized than learning how to use company software in the same way you’ll use it for work.
That also means realistic scenarios can be created to help employees learn processes and decision-making skills. It’s important to include soft skills within technical training.
This adaptability ensures that, on a high level, each group of employees learns what is relevant to their position and what they need to do in the software.
Boosting Employee Engagement and Retention
Engaged employees are likelier to stay with a company and contribute to its success. Software simulations provide an engaging learning experience that keeps employees motivated and invested in their professional development.
Training that moves at your own pace and makes you participate in the process is a lot more motivating and interesting than simply watching a trainer or video. Even if the trainer is super engaging and lets some people do select processes it’s still not enough to engage everyone.
The interactive nature of simulations and the ability to apply knowledge in realistic scenarios enhance employee engagement and retention. Training has never been so fun!
Employees who are well trained are well supported and more engaged in their job.
As employees become proficient users of company software, they feel a sense of accomplishment and pride in their abilities. There’s also a really good chance it will reduce employee turnover.
That means they feel loved and supported by their leaders. Don’t you want employees to have that feeling of support?
All these benefits of software simulations can easily be achieved while creating a safe learning environment. But why is a safe learning environment important for employees? Don’t they just want to succeed and do better no matter the cost?
The Importance of a Safe Learning Environment for Employees
No, employees don’t want to succeed at any cost. Humans are risk averse, so we will avoid risk at any cost. That doesn’t mean we don’t care; we just want to avoid catastrophic failure.
However, software simulations can easily eliminate the risk of catastrophe when failing in learning. That means the learning process will be much more enjoyable, and failure won’t seem too bad. That’s when failure becomes helpful rather than harmful.
When we can fail safely and learn from our failures, real learning happens.
Creating a safe learning environment is crucial for employee development. It allows them to make mistakes, learn from them, and grow without fear of negative consequences.
This is especially true when it comes to learning company software, as errors can have significant implications for business operations. A safe learning environment fosters confidence, encourages exploration, and ultimately leads to more effective learning outcomes.
Real learning in company software can’t happen until employees feel safe to explore and fail.
Creating a Safe and Controlled Learning Environment with a Software Simulation
It’s not easy to create a good software simulation while keeping it safe and helpful. Certain considerations must be made to create a safe and controlled learning environment for employees to master company software.
We consider each of the following topics when making top-notch company software simulations that are relevant, engaging, and help employees use the software to do their jobs in the context in which they will use it.
Identify the Right Simulation Tool
Choosing the right simulation tool is essential for creating an effective learning environment. But it’s not just about the tool; it’s also about using it in the best way possible.
Captivate and Storyline have built-in software simulation capabilities, but those features aren’t ideal for creating software simulations. You instead have to get creative. So, identify the right tool for your software simulations and use them in the best way possible.
Creating Relevant and Realistic Scenarios
Simulations should replicate real-world scenarios that employees will likely encounter when using company software. Their learning should closely resemble how they use the tool to do their job rather than covering how the software works in general or simply showing the clicks through an entire process.
Employees can develop problem-solving skills and gain practical experience in a controlled setting by being presented with realistic challenges in the simulation. This ensures they’re well-prepared to handle similar situations when using the actual software.
Providing Ongoing Support and Feedback
Ongoing support is crucial throughout the learning process. Employees should have access to resources such as performance support (including tutorials), knowledge base articles, FAQs, and someone to contact when in dire need.
We find it the most useful when we can provide information about where employees can find additional resources so they can help themselves later rather than calling the help desk. Providing a contact at the end for further questions is also nice.
When there’s likely to be a lot of support needed, scheduled office-hour calls are a great way to meet those needs. For example, when communicating a new software rollout, it’s always good to communicate a series of office hours where employees can ask questions.
Wrap Up
Providing a safe environment for employees benefits the organization in every way, especially for something as scary to most as company software. Since employees need to use company software to be successful in their roles, every employee should have access to effective, quality training.
Software simulations offer a groundbreaking solution that revolutionizes the way employees learn. It’s also a great way to empower them to unlock their full potential in a safe environment. Providing a safe environment is the only way to help employees succeed.
By using software simulations to train employees on company software, organizations can create a risk-free learning environment that promotes real learning, engagement, and being prepared well for the job.
If you’re looking for someone to help you master teaching employees software, schedule a free consultation. We’re experts in corporate technical training and would love to discuss your project and how we can help it succeed. Our goal is to help your employees do their jobs more effectively and quicker quickly with software.