The most important part of an instructional designer’s role is not developing training content. Aside from building relationships, it’s analyzing content, devising the right strategy, and consulting with business partners and subject matter experts (SMEs) to design the correct type of training with a meaningful goal.
That means building quality content that helps adults perform. It requires consulting with others, not just accepting what’s being asked for and doing the work. Instructional designers are supposed to be well-trained professionals in how adults learn and the pitfalls that keep people from succeeding in the workplace.
Effective training and successful employees only result from ample opportunities to learn how to do their jobs better. This means employees leave training with something that helps them work better. That can’t happen when the content we’re given is turned into training without thought.
Successful training comes from a collaborative relationship between everyone involved, not an order-taker relationship.
Nothing good comes from that strategy except overwhelming unsuccessful training that overwhelms employees. No matter how creative and innovative we are with development, no amount of interactivity and engagement can fix flawed analysis and design.
This post will help you understand the importance of being a training partner, not an order taker. You’ll learn some of what the job of an instructional designer is and how that relates to the training profession. It’s also a great way to understand the relationship between training professionals, stakeholders, business partners, or SMEs (subject matter experts).
Let’s get started first with what instructional designers should avoid.
What An Instructional Designer Is Not
It’s important to distinguish between design and development since there can be a lot of crossover. With that crossover, much of the design is lost in favor of development. Many instructional designers jump right into their favorite tool for development rather than working through the essential design process.
So, what’s the difference between designing and developing training?
In the simplest terms, design is how something works and the plan behind it. You can think of it more as making a blueprint. Regarding development, that’s building training based on the design. Regarding construction, it’s like the builders who take the plans and build the building.
Instructional designers are not eLearning developers, and they’re also not instructional developers. While many instructional design positions span both design and development, an instructional designer should never focus solely on development or skip other essential steps when creating training.
No strategy for training works well by skipping entire steps of the process to jump right into development. If you do that, you will likely fall into some of the worst pitfalls of designing training. That is, accepting everything from the business partner or SME, taking that as the final source of truth and completeness, and then turning it into training.
The role of an instructional designer is not to take content from the business partner and SME then turning that into training in its entirety.
Instructional design works best when a project is approached with a thorough process that includes, at minimum, each step of ADDIE. That doesn’t mean developing something and then iterating from there. Iterations are great, but not if you skip analysis and design.
Speed requirements and a short timeline are no excuse.
That’s why we start every course with nothing if a project requires a course. As an instructional designer, adding value to the project to maximize success and value is essential. Instructional designers are not order-takers. It’s about consulting on a project and bringing value to the analysis and design by putting the process to work for projects.
Bring Value to Your Project as A Partner
When an instructional designer acts as a consultant and directs the project, the results will be better than simply accepting orders. Simply making content prettier without proper analysis and design can harm learning and performance.
If information is taken from business partners and SMEs, simply designing it to look better and seem more interactive will not make the training content effective. A lot of the content received from a SME is merely a repository of everything they know, not only the essentials or how to connect it to performance.
The instructional design process helps instructional designers create content that answers the need for performance-based training that focuses on performance objectives. We even propose that performance objectives should replace learning objectives.
There are many benefits and more value to consulting rather than taking orders. Let’s look at the benefits and the value you bring by going deeper into projects rather than simply jumping straight to development.
The Benefits of Being a Partner
When you work more deeply with business partners and subject matter experts, you can offer your expertise and add value. That helps guide training to provide maximum benefit to those being trained. By accepting the content you receive as the final content, you’re doing a disservice to your business partners and those being trained.
These benefits will be immediately present when you work on a project at a deeper level with business partners and SMEs:
- Expertise: Training isn’t about sharing content; it’s about creating a meaningful experience driven by a need to perform better at work. You get to add your expertise and focus the project on the needs rather than trying to focus on everything that can be learned.
- Innovate: Acting as a consultant allows for better innovation because the content you work with is more focused and organized. This means you can also create a more meaningful and innovative learning experience.
- Client Understanding: Business partners and SMEs are not typically focused on those who take training content. While they’re typically your direct client, they are not the actual client. The people taking your course are the real clients because they’re the ones who need to benefit from the training. That means you will be better able to connect business goals with the course’s objectives in a way that will help employees.
- Better Relationship: When you add value and provide guidance for a project, you’ll have a more valued relationship with your client. Acting as an instructional design consultant and offering guidance means you’ll be seen as more of an expert on the topic rather than simply doing what you’re asked, even if the ask isn’t completely clear. The more value you create in training, the more likely you will have a good relationship that leads to repeat business and positive recommendations.
- Control: If you take what you’re given and get to work, you have little control over the overall training. Having more control over the training outcome means that people will benefit more from it, and you will earn a better reputation overall. If you do what you’re told and provide no analysis or direction, then you risk being of low value to the project. That will provide minimal benefit to those taking your training, especially if it doesn’t help them, and you will look bad.
- Grow: The more you analyze and examine the project, the more you can grow your skills and knowledge. Rather than simply making content look pretty, you’ll explore it deeper so you can ask better questions and learn more yourself. Business partners and SMEs see that as valuable, giving them a new perspective on their content and allowing them to grow.
As you can see, there are many benefits to acting as a partner or consultant rather than taking orders. However, being a partner or consultant doesn’t mean disregarding your business partner and SME. It often means working with them and negotiating your way through a project to find the right balance of value for employees.
Just as your feedback and contribution are valuable, so are those of your business partner and SME. By going deep, you’ll add a lot more value to a project, so let’s see how.
The Value You Bring by Going Deep
Anyone taking training designed by an instructional designer who worked with a business partner and SME rather than accepting what they said as final will know the value they brought to the project. The value of working with partners rather than taking orders from them will manifest in many different ways.
Ultimately, those taking part in well-planned and worked-through training will see a difference. The results will be noticeable.
These are some ways going deep and working through difficult questions will manifest in the training.
- Relevance: Training that has been designed will be more relevant. It will address employees’ needs for training and focus on those needs rather than presenting everything in overwhelming quantities, as often happens without proper analysis and design.
- Effectiveness: If the plan is done well, training will be more effective by working through content to create a plan and removing unnecessary content. Instructional designers have many tools available to them to create effective training. Working through content rather than accepting content as is helps a lot.
- Efficiency: When an instructional designer asks difficult questions, it’s easy to identify and eliminate unnecessary content. If everything is important, then nothing is important. Identifying only essential content means more efficient and cost-effective training.
- Customization: Business partners and SMEs don’t always pay attention to the audience. Working with them can uncover how training can be made to fit the audience better and keep the audience in mind. That means more custom training that fits the audience better.
- Innovation: Innovation happens by asking questions, gaining new perspectives, and working through different ideas. Going deep and working together creates more ideas than simply accepting what you’re given and moving on.
- Alignment: Deeper involvement and collaboration bring more value to the project, resulting in better alignment between the business and the project.
- Engagement: True engagement in training comes from relevance. That’s why relevance is king in training. Relevance can only be achieved with focused content that has an important goal for employees. Truly engaging training only comes from relevant content that helps employees achieve their goals.
Meeting the needs of those taking training is the most essential part of training. If that doesn’t happen, nobody will be happy. Because business partners and SMEs don’t always approach a project in this way, it’s up to the instructional designer to use their skills and knowledge to guide the discussion.
By becoming a partner rather than an order-taker, the company brings more value to the project, giving it a better chance of meeting its goals, the business, and the employees.
Develop Strong Client Relationships
While it’s important to work with business partners and SMEs on a deeper level as a partner rather than an order-taker, your relationship with them is just as important. That means you can’t always take the lead and direct the project on the path you want to take it.
Developing a strong relationship with your clients is necessary based on mutual respect. That means you listen to them as much as they listen to you. While you’re the expert in training, they’re ultimately the content expert.
So, the relationship has to be built on mutual respect and an understanding of the ultimate goal of the training. It’s essential to consider why strong client relationships are important and communicate better with your client.
The Importance of a Strong Client Relationship
The quality of work you can accomplish is directly connected to those you work with. You’ll have trouble throughout the project if you don’t have mutual respect with all partners. That’s why it’s important to build strong relationships from the start.
This will help you add value and contribute to the project rather than simply taking instructions. Instructional designers are training professionals who work with a subject matter expert to create the most effective training possible. That task is almost entirely reliant on building strong client relationships.
You’ll find that the following benefits will come out of building strong relationships with business partners and subject matter experts.
- Trust
- Understanding needs (if you don’t build a strong relationship, you won’t get the full picture during needs analysis).
- Flexibility (trust leads to more flexibility in how you complete the project).
- Value (clients you build rapport with will value your input and strategy more).
- Communication and collaboration will improve, and your clients will prioritize you with a strong relationship.
- Sometimes, instructional designers can’t make the final decision. A strong relationship will help you make decisions that benefit the training and employees.
- If someone likes you, they’re more likely to buy into what you’re proposing (unless you’re proposing free donuts for all). When you get more client buy-in, you’ll achieve your goal easier, which translates to better training solutions.
As an instructional designer, your ultimate goal is to create the most effective training possible for the project you’re working on. That means meeting everyone’s goals, including those of your business partner and SMEs. Having strong relationships helps you achieve those goals.
A few tips on communicating best with your clients are always helpful. So, I’ll give you a few ideas next, and you can use what you think would be beneficial to partner with stakeholders and create amazing training successfully.
Tips On How to Communicate with Your Client
Nobody is perfect with their communications. Sometimes, a few tips can help us remember that how we communicate is just as important as our message. Sometimes, that could mean you need to wait to respond for a bit to prevent a hasty reply.
Read through these tips to help you communicate better with your client.
- Be clear and concise with your message, which means avoiding jargon and sticking to simple language rather than getting too technical. Simple is always more valuable than complex as long as you communicate important messages fully.
- Don’t overcommunicate with an email that has 300 words when 50 words will suffice. A long-drawn-out email will likely get skimmed, and important information will be missed.
- Read through your client’s emails fully to avoid missing important information. There’s nothing worse than asking a question about something that has already been answered. That’s not a good way to build a good relationship.
- Respond promptly. That means for an email, within 24 hours is ideal (even if it’s to let someone know you’re working on it), and for phone calls, same day, if possible, is best. You won’t always get an ideal response time from others, but don’t let that affect your promptness.
- Accept feedback and show your appreciation for it. You don’t have to implement it 100%, but you must consider it and communicate how you intend to deal with it.
- Be respectful of your clients, who may have different needs than you. They have to account for things in a project that you may not have to. Be understanding and sympathetic to that.
- Set expectations for communications. You may not have an answer immediately, and it could take a week to get it. Be sure to let them know that rather than just waiting until you have the answer.
- Always follow up on tasks and questions you’re assigned and be present for meetings requested.
Remember, there’s no way to be the absolute best communicator and get everything perfect 100% of the time. These are a few tips that will help you communicate better, but use your best judgment. Good communication is always a two-way street, but you need to keep cool even if that doesn’t seem to be happening on the other side.
Balance Directing the Project with Flexibility
Providing direction for the project without dominating it is always a balancing act. Everyone must have their input, feel like they’re contributing, and be happy with the outcome.
It’s kind of like walking a tightrope. You can derail the entire project if you encounter a communication barrier. Also, business partners and SMEs hold ultimate veto power and can overrule any part of any project, including training.
So, it’s important to direct the project’s training by providing a sensible plan that meets the project goal. You can always work to direct the project, no matter how difficult.
It all starts with flexibility.
Flexibility Is Essential
Being flexible with the client is essential to the success of any project. That could mean you openly accept input from the client and implement feedback from them.
You have to give a little to achieve successful training. That means you might compromise a little on how you wanted the project to go to gain something more important.
Sometimes you have to be flexible by giving a little to the client in order to get a little for the better of training.
Ultimately, it’s worth being flexible because while you might have to give up on something you wanted, what you get could be bigger and more important to the training’s success.
Providing Direction Without Being Too Rigid
Sometimes, you have to make a recommendation and explain why you’re making it. When you do that without pushing too hard, you can often provide good direction without being too rigid. That means there’s a better chance of directing the project in the way it needs to be successful.
Sometimes, you must give a little nudge; other times, you must sell the idea. When you’re doing it for the benefit of the project and people taking training, it’s worth it. Even if you don’t always get it your way, you’ve done your best to provide the best direction for training success.
Wrap Up
Becoming a partner rather than an order-taker is essential for the success of every project. A lot of education and training goes into becoming a serious instructional designer, which is why it requires endless learning and a lot of practice.
Because instructional design is scientifically backed by a process requiring much practice and theoretical knowledge, instructional designers should never be order-takers. They are also not strictly developers. The process must also involve analysis and design.
The more value you can bring to a project, the more your skill will be valued. That means you’ll get people returning for more because they know you’ll add more to a project than you’ll take. By building a strong relationship, you can become more successful at providing value and directing a project to reach the correct goal.
The best thing you can do is embrace the role of a partner rather than an order-taker. This will help the training be more valuable for everyone and, in the end, more successful. We approach every training project we work on as a valuable instructional design consultant.
That means we’re not order-takers but holders of a valuable process and knowledge that adds value to the project. If we can’t add more value to a project than we charge, it’s not worth it to our clients or us. We want our clients to succeed with projects that help their organization make more money and lead to great success.
If you’re looking for a strong value and performance-driven partner on your next corporate technical training project that will help employees succeed, schedule a free consultation. We’d love to learn more about your project.